What to consider when selecting a Racking system?
With so many different types of racking systems on the market, choosing the right one for your facility can pose a challenge.
Careful consideration of the following key factors can simplify your decision-making process:
- Desired storage density
- Floor space and building height
- Placement of building doors and columns
- Inventory accessibility
- Inventory rotation
- Item/load size and weight
- Optimal storage design
- Cost of materials and installation
Budget requirements: Cost will likely be the most important when choosing a racking system. The different types of racking systems feature a wide range of price points, so you will obviously need to select the one that fits your company’s budget.
Industry perspective: Various industry factors can have an impact on racking system selection, such as seasonality, regulatory environment, projected growth and frequency of change in terms of the demand for specific types of products.
Assessing your building’s current layout: You must be able to incorporate the racking with the layout of your facility. Thus, effective system design requires taking into account features such as columns, clear height, dock doors, delivery and collection of goods access, piping, electrical wiring and sprinkler systems.
Safety requirements: The system must include all required safety components such as adequate aisle widths and egress paths.
Seismic zones: If you are located in an area of the country that is vulnerable to seismic activity, you will need a racking system that will comply with the various regulations and building codes that apply to these types of structures.
Capacity: Your facility will have a finite amount of floor space to dedicate to a warehouse racking system, so you need to make the most of every square foot. Estimating the total weight of the goods you need to store at any given time can help you determine the most appropriate load capacity for your racking.
Inventory accounting method: Be sure the system is compatible with your inventory process. As mentioned above, some types of racking systems are compatible with LIFO accounting methods, while others are better suited to a FIFO environment.
Future proofing capabilities: A racking system represents a major investment for most companies. You’ll want to be sure it will not only serve your order fulfillment requirements today, but that it also offers the flexibility to adapt and grow as your business needs change.
Picking methods: Different types of warehouse racking are better suited to different types of order picking processes. Consider whether you typically pick by pallet, pieces or cases and choose a system or combinations that will accommodate your preferred method.
Forklift accessibility: If you are looking to use forklifts to pick orders, you will need to ensure your racking system permits sufficient access to provide a safe working environment and minimize the risk of product damage.
Discover the common types of pallet rack systems
We provide a detailed overview of the various Pallet Racking Systems and their application.
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